Saturday 8 June 2013

This is the life... or is it?

I think that most of us compare our lives with other's.  Whenever I get together with friends over here, amongst other things we chat about other's lifestyles, while in the backs of our minds think how it's better than our own.  And a little jealousy sometimes creeps in for whatever reason.

In our head the grass is always greener on the other side.  But it isn't.

I am originally from an English seaside town and now I live in a Spanish seaside town (well, city really), but in between I have also lived in a large capital city (with no beach, no sea, no port, etc).  I have experienced different lifestyles and I find it fascinating how individually we are all humans (flesh, blood, brains) but collectively we have created different cultures, languages, aesthetics, rules and norms.

My future posts in this blog will be written by me looking at Alicante through my eyes.  Subjectively.  Having lived in other places before laying my hat here I am bound to compare Alicante to them... views that I think are breathtaking could be boring for the locals, food that I find horrid might be delicious to the Spanish, street behaviour that I find unacceptable may be tolerable to the Alicantinos.

June fun

So you join me at a fantastic time of year in Alicante: the month of June.  There are so many festivals going on you wouldn't be able to visit them all.  This afternoon I'm going to an open-air concert (of course its open air - this is Alicante!) where my cousin is playing in a band.  Then I am meeting up with friends to visit the Medieval Market in the old town.  Hopefully, I will visit a craft fair tomorrow before heading on to a birthday pool party for a friend.

But the most exciting part of June is the more or less week-long festival of the Hogueras de San Juan (the bonfires of St John) which I will undoubtedly dedicate some future posts to.

For now I will leave you with a couple of photos of a very random thing I saw in a park yesterday afternoon while riding past on my motorbike... 

One guy with a bullfighter's cape and the other with a set of horns, presumably 'practising'!  But then a few seconds later they suddenly both started running away towards one of the corners.  I thought it was strange until I saw the dog that was running after them!  Made me chuckle.

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